Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Last Saturday, a day after his birthday, we've spend a very quality time wif each other. Hari yang happy dan memenatkan. From morning to morning we spending time together along wif his friends. Pagi tu Bee bawa aku pergi Empire Gallery Subang for breakfast. At the same time kitorg pergi cari macaroons sbb Bee nk belanja aku cz asyik sebut je nk macaroons. So dia berusaha cari macaroons tu tuk buat aku happy. So sweet of you syg! Sedap..tp manis yg amat! Mcm biskut oreo je bak kata Bee! Hehe.. Then after breakfast kitorg siap2 tuk pergi wedding member Sham dekat Semenyih. Jauh betul! Lepas tu pergi Pavilion pula. Lepas beli tiket movie, kitorg pergi minum and perkena ice cream at The Art's Cream Gallery. Tepat kul 7, tengok movie cerita Kongsi-Lu Langsi Lu Mati. Kelakar! Gila menganjing punya movie. Like2! So after tgk movie, masing2 pun dah lapar. Bee pun tapau la set burger at Carl's Jr. First time try..sedap sedap sedap!!! Then from Pavilion pergi lepak pula dengan kawan2 Bee from JB kt The Social Bangsar Village. Makan lg! Arabiata..sedap juga! Penah pula x sedapkan kalau dapat kt aku ni. Hehe.. After that merewang pula kt De Solvang Solaris Mount Kiara. Lepak2 minum sambil berbual dgn kawan2 Bee. At the same time Bee ajar aku main pool. First time main pool aku dh berjaya masukkan 4 biji bola pool tu. Hoooyeah! Masa lepak aku pun dh terlentuk kt Bee, dh penat sgt sampai terlelap. So Bee and friends pun ajak beransur pulang. Pulang lah sgt! Siap pusing2 dekat BB then baru balik. Tu pun x blk terus! Menyinggah lg..supper kt Darussalam SS15 Subang. Melayankan Bee yg lapar makan nasi lemak pepagi buta. 4 a.m we reach home. Mmg terbaik! Penat sepenat penatnya.. Even we are all tired but we having so much fun spending time together. Esk nya Bee nk bawa aku pergi tgk Nur Kasih. Malangnya tiket semua fully book and selling fast. So next week Bee turun lagi and nk juga bawa aku tgk cerita tu sbb dia tau aku fanatic fan cerita tu. Hehe.. Can't wait to spending time again wif you sayang! Thnks for an amazing weekend. I love you daym much!!!

His 26th Birthday Surprise!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Buka Pintu

Buka pintu buka pintu..
Ada anjing gonggong beta e..
Buka pintu buka pintu..
Ada ujang beta basa e..

Oh buka pintu buka pintu e..
Ada anjing gonggong beta e..
Buka pintu..
Beta sekarang basa skali e..!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our BR m♥ments!

Location : Baskin Robbins Sunway Pyramid
Menu : Brownies Ala Mode
Propose : Si dia mencuba memujuk saya yg merajuk.
Conclusion : Si dia berjaya ambil hati saya! ^,~ Syg si dia sgt sgt!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

F1 Sepang International Circuit

Sabtu last week punya lah plan nk berehat kt rumah setelah penat bekerja selama 5 hari. Tiba tiba! Haa kau..tetiba phone aku berdering dm pukul 9 lbey..oh pagi yg indah, aku yg mamai ni pun angkat lah call tu. Boleh pula dengar suara si Aly pepagi tu kn..hehe! "Hello, tidur lg ke? Ish teruk betul anak dara ni.. Nk tanye ni..nk ikut pergi F1 x?" katanya. Hah! Hamek kau! Dengan pantas terbeliak biji mata aku, terus bangun dari katil and ckp kuat2, "NAK!!!" Terus mandi aku..then muka act ckp kt ibu nk pergi tgk F1 kt Sepang. Haha.. Ticket free RM 500 tgk F1 utk 3 hari start dr Jumaat, Sabtu and Ahad siapa yg x nk kn? kn?! So Aly Imran pun dtg lah dgn abg dia Aly Iqram and member diorg Mira pick up aku kt Equine. Sampai kt Sepang almost pukul 2 ptg. Duduk grand stand tu..bahagia rasa dapat tengok Ferrari depan mata, dekat bebenor rasanya! Haha! Sempat lah tengok super car punya race. Cool! So esok nya pun pergi lg untuk tgk final race. Best2! Even penat, aku tetap enjoy. Tp agak kecewa la sebab favourite car aku x menang. Renault menang dgn jayanya. Punya lah laju kereta tu. Habis semua ditinggeinye! Terkie-kie Ferrari mengejornye. Ehehehehe.. Tp x apa. No matter what I still love Ferrari forever. Thanks to abg Iq coz bg ticket yg disponsor oleh kontraktor office dia tu kt aku. Happy sesangat!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tutti Frutti wif ♥

At last tercapai sudah impian! Egegege..mcm menang anugerah pula gayanya kan. Dapat Tutti Frutti je pun. Ye la kan..dah lama sgt nk mkn Tutti Frutti. Bukan nya x boleh pergi sorang2, tp saja mengada nk pergi dengan buah hati pengarang jantung juga. So many times I mengomel kt dia, "B, ney nk Tutti Frutti.. Bila nk dtg sini? Nk pergi dgn B la!" So, last week dia dtg kebetulan ada kursus. Before hantar dia blk, dia pun melayan la kerenah aku bawa pergi mkn yogurt ice cream yg tgh hangat di pasaran ni. Sedap2! But still x leh lawan our favourite ice cream, Haagen Dazs! Ok la. Aku semua pun sedap seperti kebiasaannya. Hehe.. Thanks syg for the treat. Love you so daym much! ^_~

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Coming Home by P.Diddy

I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
Tell the World that I’m coming

Back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong(I’m back baby)
I feel like there’s nothing that I can’t try
And if you with me put your hands high(put your hands high)
If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you
And you, the dreams are for you

I hear “The Tears of a Clown”
I hate that song
I feel like they talking to me when it comes on
Another day another Dawn
Another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I’m gone
What am I ‘posed to do when the club lights come on
Its easy to be Puff, its harder to be Sean
What if the twins ask why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)
How do I respond?
What if my son stares with a face like my own
And says he wants to be like me when he’s grown
Sh-t! But I aint finished growing
Another night the inevitible prolongs
Another day another Dawn
Just tell Taneka and Taresha I’ll be better in the morn’
Another lie that I carry on
I need to get back to the place I belong

I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
Tell the World that I’m coming

“A house is Not a Home“, I hate this song
Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone
And n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for it
And you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it
But oyu felt it and still feel it
And money can’t make up for it or conceal it
But you deal with it and you keep ballin’
Pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin’
Baby we’ve been living in sin ’cause we’ve been really in love
But we’ve been living as friends
So you’ve been a guest in your own home
It’s time to make your house your home
Pick up your phone, come on

I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
Tell the World that I’m coming

“Ain’t No Stopping Us Now“, I love that song
Whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong
I thought I told y’all that we won’t stop
We back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks
It’s what made me, saved me, drove me crazy
Drove me away than embraced me
Forgave me for all of my shortcomings
Welcome to my homecoming
Yeah it’s been a long time coming
Lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles
Lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs
Made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)
And here I stand, a better man! (a better man)
Thank you Lord (Thank you Lord)

I’m coming home
I’m coming home
Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
Tell the World that I’m coming

GOD still giving a chance.

Alhamdulillah..aku bersyukur ke hadrat ilahi.. Aku masih bernafas, sihat dan masih mampu melihat keindahan dunia ciptaan Nya. Still shock for what ve happen last nite. The clock ticking..the heart beating.. Friday, 18th March at 7.30 p.m, aku drive dr Shah Alam ke Ampang. Hujan renyai,tp jalan x jem, x mcm selalu. Before get home, I'm suppose to send my baby lappy to Dayat. Cz nk format. So aku kena singgah Ampang sekejap. Otw nk ke Ampang, betul2 lepas Hilton hotel PJ, berlakulah kemalangan yg agak mengejutkan tp xlah mengerikan bg aku. Happen betul2 depan mata aku dan aku salah seorang victim and witness. Kereta jenama apa aku x perasan cz hujan and gelap. Nombor plat je aku ingat. Betul2 depan aku..xlah laju sbb hujan kn. Tetiba kereta tu melayang ke kiri, laju! Kereta sebelah kiri elak habis ke paling kiri. Then kereta tu melayang pula ke kanan, ke arah aku! Aku pun yg dah perasan ada something x kena, terus break dan elak ke kiri. Daaannnggg!!! Kereta tu hentam divider konkrit. Pastu tetiba, daanng! Kereta belakang emergency break hentam aku. Diikuti 4 lg kereta kt belakang. Dlm hati aku, "Ya Allah!" Aku berhenti and menung x tahu nk buat apa dlm masa 2 minit dlm kereta kt tepi jln. Then aku pun keluar nk tengok what happen to my herbie. Tarik nafas lega sebab xda pape, just skirting ngn bumper aku punya bracket crack. Kereta yg bang aku lari cz dia x pasang no plate! Haram jadah! Gen2, Volvo and satu lg kereta kt belakang punya owner terus keluar and mcm terpinga2 terperanjat sbb xtau apa jd sebenarnya. Semua kereta blakang aku agak teruk. Tp masing2 make decision nk blah cz x boleh nk salah kn siapa2. Kereta depan aku lost control, and kereta Saga hijau x bernombor plat pula lari. Aku and Kak Aini owner Gen2 pergi jenguk perempuan yg bang divider tu. Try nk tanya ok ke x, but she still in shock and xnk buka tingkap or pintu kereta. Dah mcm tu kitorg pun gerak je la. X boleh nk buat apa pun. Shit happens..so just let go. Nk blame siapa2 pun x boleh cz kitorg pun x tahu what the hell happen to that girl sampai kereta dia boleh melayang mcm tu sekali. Masa drive lepas kejedian tu, aku sempat muhasabah diri sekejap. Allah swt masih sayang aku, masih bg aku peluang untuk perbetulkan diri. Kalau aku terleka sekejap je, kereta tu dah hentam aku dulu dan mungkin aku yg terseret kt divider then dia hentam kuat kiri sisi kereta aku. Syukur aku alert! Means nya dalam hidup kita pun kena sentiasa beringat. Sekejap je kita terleka, tuhan rampas semua dari kita. Tuhan bg petunjuk, apa yg jd kt aku semalam satu petunjuk sebenarnya. Kalau tuhan x syg aku, elak tercabut je nyawa kt situ..astaghfirullahhalazim.. Alhamdulillah aku x apa2, kepala je sakit. Just sedih sbb baby kena hentam lg, kali ni baby lucky even kena bang kuat mcm tu kereta x kemek ke apa. Just crack and later kena hantar simen and cat blk then naik kan bracket blk. So to all drivers out there, be careful and alert while driving. Sometimes kita x langgar org, tp org pula yg langgar kita. So be very careful ok! Apa2 pun..bismillah..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's over & done! Wehuuu!!!

14th March 2010, I'm done for being a student. At last! Fuuuhh! 3 tahun yg aku tunggu2 tamat jua akhirnya. Hahahaha.. Last assessment semalam. Penat, cuak, menyampah semua ada. The best thing is, aku lega sebab final project aku berjalan lancar. 3 bulan yg memenatkan aku spend tuk siap kan major project ni. Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park, my hardest task ever. Bukan senang nk rebranding blk taman astakona ni tau! Adeh.. Tp semua usaha mmg berbaloi. Aku x kesah dgn kritikan yg aku dpt from external and internal examiner. Yg penting aku puas dgn kerja yg aku dah buat. But ok la..diorg pun agak puas hati just ada beberapa kekurangan. Maklum lah..still new in this industry. Nama pun student. Lepas ni aku akan start internship for two months kt agency, Zagt3 kt Mid Valley. If internship aku ok, mungkin akan diserap terus kerja kt situ. Insyaallah..if kt situ rezeki aku. Tamat dah buku sebagai seorang student. Now masuk alam pekerjaan pulak. It's time to moving on to the next level. Plan the future! Chayok2!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Stereography by Canon 1000D

More photos will becoming soon. Still in editing process. All photos are authorize by Nuryn Hashim and Muhd Nur Iman (Jemol).


20 November adalah tarikh keramat buat aku dan dia. Tahun ni genap 4 tahun kitorg bersama. Alhamdulillah..dah 4 tahun. Tahun ni adalah tahun kedua yg agak perit bg kitorg. Byk dugaan. But for us, the hardest time that we face together will lead us to happiness one fine day..insyaallah.. Thanks to Bee for the surprise. I'm incredibly happy! Jumaat, sehari sebelum anniversary Bee dah turun KL just nk meet aku utk celebrate anniversary kitorg. Sampai je kitorg terus pergi One Utama Damansara jln2. Tetiba Bee ajak masuk kedai Just Parfum. "Jom yang masuk jap.." katanya. Aku pun follow je. Dia try perfume utk lelaki then dia minta yg ladies nye dia nk try. Then dia berkenan yg satu tu then terus suruh aku smell. Mmg sweet bau dia. So Bee terus ckp kt sales girl tu dia nk bli yg tu. Aku pun cm terkejut then terus tanya, "Bee nk beli?". Dia jawab, "Yup! Utk syg. Present for anniversary." Syahdu je hati aku..terharu sampai terdiam kejap. Perry Ellis 18! Thanks syg!!! Tp aku ingat lg ayat amoi sales girl tu masa mula2 masuk kedai tu, "You guys nk beli perfume buat hantaran eyh?" Alorh..so sweet la you amoi..dlm hati aku cakap. Hehe.. So pada hari Sabtu bersamaan 20 November 2010, Bee bwk aku jln2 kt Petaling Street before kitorg pergi dinner utk celebrate. Jln punya jln, kitorg berkenan casing phone Ed Hardy yg ada tulis 'Dedicated For The One I Love'. Aku pun belilah satu utk BB aku and satu utk iPhone Bee. Comel! Lepas tu kitorg terus pergi Pavilion utk celebrate. Dinner at Manhattan Fish Market..Bee's treats. Dinner yg simple but sweet. Present utk Bee akan menyusul ye, lambat sikit cz tgg payment..masih berfikir apa nk beli utk intan payung gunung meletup aku ni. Hehe.. Thanks Bee for those amazing years, and the most important thing is thanks for being wif me. Love you wif all my heart no matter what. Susah atau senang Ney tetap syg Bee..sama2 kita adap apa pun dugaan, itu janji kita. Moga doa kita utk sambut anniversary as hubby and wifey next year dimakbulkan Allah swt..insyaallah..dengan izin Nya. Amin..

p/s: Originally written on Monday, November 22, 2010 from the old blog.

Broga Hill

14 November 2010, Ahad..5.30 pagi aku dah bangun. Punya excited nk pergi Broga Hill! Where? Haa..meh sini akak nk cerita. Broga Hill terletak kt Semenyih, Selangor. Zaty yg suggest aku pergi lepas Peycai bercerita pasal Broga Hill ni. So kitorg pun decide nk pergi..aku, Zaty, Tasha and Peycai. So subuh2 hening aku pun bangun buat preparation apa yg nk bawa, apa yg nk aku sumbat dlm back pack aku, buat tuna sandwich utk kitorg alas perut, dan x lupa juga bawa Canon 1000D kesayangan aku utk snap permandangan yg menarik kt Broga Hill tu nnt. Kitorg gerak dlm pukul 8.30 pagi dr Shah Alam and arrived kt Semenyih dlm kul 9.30 pagi. Sampai je kitorg bedal sandwich yg aku ngn Zaty buat dulu sebelum memanjat bukit tu utk alas perut je. Pastu kitorg redah!!! Haha.. Mula2 punya lah hebat kn meredah, separuh jln nk ke puncak.. peeerh..semput habis! Curam dia mmg terbaik la. Kalau x careful mau terguling2 ke bawah. Hehe.. Tapi kitorg berjaya juga sampai di puncak. Permandangan dia mmg best. Lepas dah puas snap2 gambar, kitorg pun decide nk turun sbb dah nk tengahari. Masa nk turun paling best. Kitorg sliding je tau time turun..slide di atas daun lalang. Terbaik! Syok habis. Then half way kitorg redah turun mcm biasa. Lepas turun dr Broga Hill, kitorg decide nk pergi bermandi manda kt Sg. Gabai sambil perkena spaghetti yg Tasha masak. Then kitorg pun blk lah sbb dah kepenatan. Blk apa lagi..aku jd Superwoman lah! Lena habis tidur. Mmg berbaloi hari minggu aku. Adventures katanya! (^_~)

p/s: Originally written on Monday November 15, 2010 from the old blog.